Air Operations:

Different pojects related with dispatching flight operations with diffent requirements.
Every project was a month duration. Only the final .ppt is available, should you require more doccumentations (code, extra documents generated) ask me.

VFR triangle:

Visual flight planning for 2 legs of a PPL triangle certification:
airspace assestment, performance, meteorology and all the legalr requirements.

Statement of work
You can download the document here

ETOPS flight planning:

ETOPS flight dispatch from LEBL to KJFK on a b787, assestment of ETD, critical points, diversions and all the requirements.

Statement of work
You can download the document here

Montaneous Areas: Vertical diversion escape route dessing for high terrain area

Emergency company routes desing for one engine out and cabin decompression on an a320ceo, flying over the himalayas

Statement of work
You can download the document here