
Accenture Testimonials

"Eduard is currently working in the JBOSS area at the client AM. One of the assigned tasks is to monitor services to analyze services that encounter errors and rectify the issue before generating incidents. This task was previously done manually, but Eduard proactively automated it, significantly improving the efficiency of our services. He has also conducted a comprehensive database analysis and provided thorough documentation.

Eduard demonstrates dedication, commitment, and effort in delivering high-quality service to the client. He consistently produces work that adds value to the client. Within the client AM, Accenture provides support for various systems, and while Eduard shows dedication to his colleagues, he should consider the needs of the other teams as well. Although he initially had no knowledge of Fuse, he has shown a strong interest in learning this new technology and has adapted exceptionally well. His extensive technical knowledge greatly enhances the team's excellence."

- Ada Cabanas Ballbé, Senior Analyst; Team lead

"Thank you very much for your contribution to the Barcelona office and your involvement as a Barcelona Influencer, driving all the extraordinary activities we have undertaken this year! Thank you for representing us in our Community and helping us build this great team! We look forward to continuing to have you with us on this exciting journey we have embarked on together!"

- Alex Borrell, Parthner; Accenture Leadership

"I tutored Eduard during his 3-month internship at Accenture. Eduard dedicated himself fully during his training, acquiring as much knowledge as possible about Workday Integrations, even outside his study and practice schedule. I admire his dedication and enthusiasm for learning. Thank you for your effort during your training!! He has recently joined Accenture and his first project. To improve, he must continue learning about Workday integrations with the support of his colleagues and superiors. He should not rush; when he consolidates his knowledge, he will be able to advance towards even greater goals."

- Ana Romero Vázquez, Senior Technology specialist; Team lead

"Eduard is a great colleague. He is always willing to improve, learn, and help the team to the best of his ability. His positive attitude, strong motivation, and perseverance to ensure tasks are completed successfully are worth noting. He started from scratch in Workday and has gradually adapted to both the platform and the work pace. Keep up the good work!"

- Ángela Romero Villar, Analyst