My name is Eduard Algar, and I am an aerospace engineer and software developer. I have always been fascinated by aerodynamics and how planes fly, which led me to pursue a career in aerospace engineering. My dream is to become an aerodynamicist.

When I began my bachelor's degree, I had no experience in coding and struggled with my first programming course, INFO1, which used Python 2.7. The course methodology wasn't optimal, as it did not emphasize best practices and relied on outdated code. For example, an exercise to find the maximum/minimum value in an array required a loop and element comparison, rather than using Python's built-in functions, which would have been more efficient. I found these illogical issues frustrating, but I was determined to improve my coding skills

During the summer, I realized how important it was to be a good programmer to succeed as an engineer. I began teaching myself coding and taking courses at CEPI-Base to improve my skills. While the center didn't teach debugging or coding best practices, I learned through practice and study.

By the end of the summer, I became a competent programmer and began to excel in my courses. I collaborated with my professors to migrate course materials from Octave to Python, and even created my own exercises and solutions that helped new students. I found the problem-solving aspect of coding very rewarding, especially when I encountered new challenges that required creative solutions.

During my bachelor's degree, I faced a particularly challenging subject: Aerodynamics. The teacher's questionable methods for evaluating students made it almost impossible to pass, but I was determined to succeed. I studied throughout the summer and developed a program for all the evaluative acts, which helped me obtain high scores despite the challenging nature of the exams. The teacher eventually modified the rules in an attempt to curb my success, but I still managed to earn a final score of 6.4/10, which was by far the highest I had ever seen.

Currently, I have graduated as an engineer and am pursuing a master's degree in Aerodynamics and Space Vehicles at the Valencia Polytechnic University.